Thursday, July 17, 2008


Here's the 'Pet Slimmer of the Year Competition' charts for Bert and Ernie, who are now on their strictly controlled Hill's r/d Prescription Diet.

Bert's weight loss chart Canine r/d* For the Nutritional Management of Obese or Overweight Dogs Ernie's weight loss chart

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Ernie and Bert’s journey – Fat dogs slim ...

On Tuesday 17th June 2008, two perky 8 year old Fox Terriers were surrendered to the Auckland SPCA as their owners could no longer look afer them. Ernie and Bert (as we have renamed them) are morbidly obese due to a poor diet and overfeeding.

Ernie weighed in at 20kg which is 67% overweight and Burt was a whopping 117% overweight (32.5kg). In fact, the team at the SPCA were speechless at the condition of these animals. Tracy Dunn, SPCA Operations Manager, mentioned that they often see malnourished and underweight dogs and cats but overweight animals to this degree is an unusual occurrence.

Animal obesity is becoming a major problem in New Zealand. We have a nation of over weight people that are in turn overfeeding and supersizing their beloved pets. Despite their weight problems, Ernie and Burt were happy dogs with wagging tails and bundles of spirit.

The team at Hill’s Pet Nutrition (the exclusive sponsors of SPCA feeding program) were called in to help. Hill’s have recommended that both Ernie and Bert are placed on a special weight reduction diet called Hill’s Prescription Diet r/d. The team at Hill’s were so taken by the brave characters of these special dogs that they have happily donated the food for the duration of their weight loss program. Prescription Diet r/d is low in calories, high in dietary fibre and has appropriate levels of protein. This combination will ensure optimal fat loss while maintaining lean muscle mass. From a welfare point of view, the combination of fibre and protein will mean Ernie and Bert feel full while losing weight.

Hill'sBoth Ernie and Bert are now signed up members of the Hills Pet Slimmer program and their weight will be monitored every week until they reach their ideal goal weight which is 12kg for Ernie and 15kg for Bert.

Hill’s looked at the dogs current weight and their ideal weight then devised a weight loss program to get the dogs health back on track. Sensible weight loss is loosing no more than 1-2% per week. Ernie’s weight loss plan is predicted to take 27 weeks and Bert’s is going to take 36 weeks. This is the safe period of time to reach their ideal weight, without putting undo stress on the dogs.

Ernie (above) and Bert (below) get their first weigh-in...
After just 2 weeks on their new diet, we’ve already noticed some positive changes in Ernie and Bert. They are finding it easier to move around and their weight is slowly but surely dropping. Ernie and Bert will eventually be going to a foster home, where help will be provided until their weight drops to a manageable and healthy level. Once they reach their goal weight, the SPCA will look for a new family for the lovable Ernie and Bert. With regular weight checks, it will take time, but these large little dogs will get a second chance at life.

The SPCA hopes they can be rehomed together as they are the best of friends.