Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Trim, taut and terrific...

Hi everyone

Brace yourselves for a shock - check our me and Bert in our all new glamour shots that were taken when we called into the SPCA to say g'day to all our dear friends! And it's all down to our willpower and determination to stay on our Hills diets (thanks guys!). Plus, no-one would give us junk food snacks, so I guess that helped a bit...

That's me - Ernie

and this is my mate, Bert

Pretty impressive weight loss, hey?

I'm so handsome, I impress myself!

So good.

Here's Bert again.

Bert's smiling because he's feeling so much better!

And one last shot of Bert...

Ok, that's enough for now. Catcha laters...
(and Bert)


LadyScorpio said...

Way to go Ernie and Bert!!
You two look absolutely fabulous. Maybe I should get some diet tips off you LOL
And thanks to the SPCA for really caring. Marvellous Job!!!
Hope to see you both on Close Up soon showing off your new figures.

Laraine said...

Sooo disappointed we can't have their new weights with new photos.
Love the smiles now their weights are coming down, they sure have something to smile about God bless them both.